Hello. Guys.
Today, The place I'm going to introduce is Potato Ongshimi Buckwheat Noodles at HaeMulHanSoBan.
Let's Start.
1. What is this food?
Potato Ongshimi Buckwheat Noodles is a dish mainly eaten in Gangwon-do Province, where potato cultivation is actively carried out. It is a delicacy that combines Ongshimi (the Gangwon dialect of Saealsim) and buckwheat noodles made with potato paste and ingredients. Although it is gaining popularity in various areas around Gangwon-do, Gangneung is the original.
The main ingredients are potatoes, and the ingredients include old pumpkin, buckwheat powder, and raw bean powder used in the noodle dough, anchovies and kelp, which are long soup ingredients, and pumpkins used as garnish. Peel the old pumpkin, scratch the inside, remove the seeds, and grind it finely on a steel plate. Mix the ground pumpkin, buckwheat powder, and raw bean powder and chop the dough thinly. Grate the potatoes on a steel plate, squeeze the water out of the cloth, and make sediment by sinking the water. Mix potato ingredients and sediment, season with salt, and round them to about 1cm in diameter to make a bird egg sim. Season the soup soy sauce in the soy sauce made of anchovies and kelp, and when it boils, add potato shrimp and boil more. When the ingredients are almost cooked, add noodles and minced garlic and boil again once again. When the ongshimi is cooked and float, put it in a bowl. Julienne the zucchini, boil it slightly in salt water, and garnish it. The soup is thick because it contains Ongsimi made of potato starch.
2. Where is this restaurant?
This restaurant is located in Sadang.
If you use the subway, you can walk up from Exit 9 of Sadang Station.
This restaurant is just a short walk from Exit 9 of Sadang Station, turn left on DongJackDae-ro 1-gil, and walk up a little.
해물한소반 · 서울특별시 동작구 사당동 동작대로1길 18
★★★★☆ · 해산물 요리 전문식당
This restaurant name is HaeMul-HanSoban(해물한소반)
The Korean 'HaeMul' means seafood.
The Korean 'Han' means one.
The Korean 'Soban' means small portable dining table.
Open every day from 10:00 ~ 23:00.
Let's go inside.
3. What's on the menu?
Assumed ₩1,300 for $1.
식사류(Meals)[Pronunciation : SikSaRyu]
대구머리해장국(Cod head hangover soup)[Pronunciation : DaeGuMeori-HaeJangGuk] ₩8,000(about $6.15)
수제비동태탕(SuJeBi Pollack Soup[Pronunciation : Sujebi dongtae tang] ₩8,000(about $6.15)(you can order for more than 2 people)
낙지지리탕(Small Octopus Soup)[Pronunciation : Nakji jiri tang] ₩13,000(about $10.00)(you can order for more than 2 people)
감자옹심이메밀칼국수(Potato Ongshimi Buckwheat Noodles)[Pronunciation : Gamja-Ongshimi-MeMil-Kalguksu] ₩12,000(about $9.25)(you can order for more than 2 people) < My recommendation! >
감자전(Potato pancake)[Pronunciation : Gamja-Jeon] ₩12,000(about $9.25)
해물파전(Seafood Spring Onion Pancake)[Pronunciation : Haemul-PaJeon] ₩19,000(about $14.60)
안주류(Side dishes)[Pronunciation : AnJuRyu]
아구찜(Steamed monkfish)[Pronunciation : A-Gu-Zzim] Small Size ₩45,000(about 34.60) Medium Size ₩57,000(about $43.85)
갑오징어낙지찜(Steamed cuttlefish and small octopus)[Pronunciation : GabOJingEo-NakJi-Zzim] ₩48,000(about $36.90) < My recommendation! >
왕해물찜(Steamed Seafood)[Pronunciation : WangHaeMul-Zzim] Small Size ₩59,000(about $45.40) Medium Size ₩69,000(about $53.10)
왕해물탕(Seafood Soup)[Pronunciation : WangHaeMul-Tang] Small Size ₩52,000(about $40.00) Medium Size ₩65,000(about $50.00)
뽈데기지리탕(Codfhis Soup)[Pronunciation : BBolDeoGi-Jiri-Tang] Small Size ₩35,000(about $26.90) Medium Size ₩45,000(about $34.60)
4. After Order
After you order, they bring you Kimchi and Buckwheat pancake.
Buckwheat pancake is a dish made by dissolving buckwheat powder in water to make a thin dough, stretching sour kimchi and green onions in the busy season, and scooping buckwheat dough with a ladle to make it thin.
And bring Main Menu(Potato Ongshimi Buckwheat Noodles)

You can eat Potato ongshimi buckwheat noodles moderately and boil it with porridge ingredients given as a side to make rice porridge.
5. Lastly
Today, I explained the Potato Ongshimi Buckwheat Noodles restaurant.
Many Korean likes kinds of this food.
Hopefully, my blog will help those who plan to travel to Korea.
See you next time.
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Thank you for reading!