Hello. Guys.
Today, The place I'm going to introduce is Korean Set Menu with Soft Tofu Stew at Giwajib-Sundubu.
Let's Start.
1. What is this food?
Korean Set Menu with Soft Tofu Stew is a dish served with rice, soft tofu stew, and several side dishes.
2. Where is this restaurant?
This restaurant is located in Namyangju.
To get to this restaurant, it's a little uncomfortable if you don't have a car, but you can get off at Paldang Station on the Gyeongui Jungang Line, exit 1, transfer bus 63 across the street, and get off at the Joan-myeon office.
기와집순두부 조안본점 · 경기도 남양주시 조안면 북한강로 133
★★★★☆ · 두부 요리 전문점
This restaurant name is Giwajib-Sundubu(기와집순두부).
The Korean Giwajib means a tiled house is a house with a roof made of tiles. Usually, black tiles made of clay were used a lot, but houses where high-ranking people lived were also roofed with blue (blue) tiles made with blue glaze. Because roof tiles were quite expensive, it was quite difficult for ordinary farmers to build or buy tile houses. Tile houses had different colors (blue, black, etc.) and types (blue, etc.) depending on their status.
The Korean Sundubu means is tofu that you eat without draining the beans when they coagulate.
Open every day from the summer season(March to October)10:00 ~ 21:00, the winter season(November to February) 10:30 ~ 21:00.
Let's go inside.
3. What's on the menu?
Assumed ₩1,300 for $1.
순두부백반(Korean Set Menu with Soft Tofu Stew)[Pronunciation : Sundubu-Bakban] ₩10,000(about $7.70) < My recommendation! >
콩탕백반(Korean Set Menu with Bean Soup)[Pronunciation : Kongtang-Bakban] ₩10,000(about $7.70) < My recommendation! >
비빔밥(Bibimbap)[Pronunciation : Bibimbap] ₩10,000(about $7.70)
공기밥(A bowl of rice)[Pronunciation : Gonggibap] ₩1,000(about $0.75)
재래식생두부(Conventional raw tofu)[Pronunciation : Jarasik-Sangdubu] ₩12,000(about $9.25)
황태양념구이(Grilled dried pollack)[Pronunciation : Hwangtae-Yangnyeom-Gui] ₩12,000(about $9.25)
볶음김치(Fried kimchi)[Pronunciation : Bokum kimchi] ₩10,000(about $7.70)
수육(boiled pork)[Pronunciation : Suyuk] ₩30,000(about $23.05)
생두부&수육(Raw tofu and boiled pork)[Pronunciation : Sangdubu and Suyuk] ₩25,000(about $19.25)
군두부(fried tofu)[Pronunciation : Gundubu] ₩15,000(about $11.55)
두부김치(Boiled tofu and kimchi)[Pronunciation : Dubukimchi] ₩15,000(about $11.55)
도토리묵(Acorn jello)[Pronunciation : Dotorimuk] ₩15,000(about $11.55)
녹두전(Green Bean Pancake)[Pronunciation : Nokdujeon] ₩15,000(about $11.55)
파전(Pajeon)[Pronunciation : Pajeon] ₩15,000(about $11.55)
4. After Order
After order, they bring order menu with a dish served with rice.
You can eat this food.
5. Lastly
Today, I explained about Korean Set soft tofu stew.
Hopefully, my blog will help those who plan to travel to Korea.
See you next time.
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Thank you for reading. :)